- Profiles
- David Free: The Kid Growing Old
- Christina Patterson, The Independent
- ABC, Mark Colvin
- Honi Soit
- Benjamin Ellis, Oxonian Review
- Fiona McCann, Irish Times
- James Campbell, Guardian
- The Monthly
- New York Sun
- Slate (I)
- Slate (II)
- Sydney Morning Herald (I)
- Sydney Morning Herald (II)
- Observer
- Digging in the Clay
- James Wolcott
- The Conversation
- Driftless Area Review
- BBC News Online
- Esquire
- Isabel Rogers
- TV Cream
- Salon
- Charlie Brooker
- Blog Selection
- Yorkshire Magazine
- American Conservative
- New York Times
- Daily Telegraph
- Financial Times
- NewStatesman
- New Republic
- Australian Book Review
- Sunday Times (I)
- Sunday Times (II)
- ABC TV "Mondo Thingo"
- ABC "Talking Heads" transcript
- The Australian
- Denton: Enough Rope
- New Zealand Listener
- Into the Web
- Casket of Dreams
- The Vine
- Elmbridge Guardian
- Nexus Interview
- Spectator Blog
- LA Times
- John Birmingham
- Crikey Daily Review
- Gordon Murray
- Taeho Paik
- Compass
- Cambridge News
- Veooz Compilation
- Obituaries, Tributes, Reminiscences
- David Free: The Texture of Reality
- Adam Gopnik in the New Yorker
- Michael Deacon, Daily Telegraph
- Stuart Jeffries in the Guardian
- Melissa Denes in the Guardian
- Robert McCrum in the Guardian
- Howard Jacobson in the Guardian
- Lucy Mangan in the Guardian
- The Times
- Andrew Billen in the Times
- Bryan Appleyard, Sunday Times
- Rachel Cooke in The Observer
- Rachel Cooke with Claerwen James
- John Naughton in The Observer
- John Simpson in The Observer
- Euan Ferguson in The Observer
- Morten Høi Jensen, The American Interest
- Sam Leith in The Spectator
- Adam Gopnik, Slate podcast (audio)
- Adam Gopnik, Slate podcast transcript
- Clive James on Life Stories
- Author (previous version)
- Brief Biography (Clive James, 2007)
- Digi-Cream Chronology
- Writer's Room
- With Vitali Vitaliev
- Quotes in General
- Quotes from Memoirs
- Yet More Quotes
- Adlibris Booklist
- Book Covers
- Matilda
- Events (old)
- Edinburgh Festival 2007
- 2007 Oz-NZ Tour
- 2008 Events
- Edinburgh Festival 2008
- 2009 Events
- Edinburgh Festival 2007