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- CJ Articles since 2005
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- Broadway in One Book
- Words Fail in the Pacific
- Exit Peter Porter
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- Christian Wiman’s New Book
- Stephen Edgar's New Book
- Les Murray's New Book
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- Our First Book
- The Meaning of Recognition
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- Preaching to the Converted
- On the Eve of Disaster
- Chip, Chip, Chip
- Premier’s Special Award
- Essex Degree Speech
Lectures :Speeches about Television :Acceptance Speeches : - CJ Observer TV column
- 1972
- The Perry and Sherry show
- Wood Lane's wonder boys
- Mood change at Munich
- Blockbuster in a mist
- Compassion in transit
- Confusing the issues
- Dodging the big one
- Bananas with the Duchess
- Cuddling up with Tolstoy
- Heroes and hardware
- Eating your interviewer
- Hitler turned hood
- The Great Weariness bogy
- Rattigan revisited
- Lobbing match over a cat's-cradle
- Liberating Miss World
- 1973
- Bad for biz
- The search for Hitler
- Soap-operatic splendour
- When life begins at fifty
- Redeeming appearances
- Authority and control
- Potter’s wheels within wheels
- Jokers at work
- Exaltation on ice
- Keeping the weenies quiet
- Pins and needles
- Home fires dampener
- Caught on the hop by Frost
- Call for the swordsmen
- Olivier’s Great Journey
- Nixon through the night sky
- It’s Carry On Commentator
- Banging the door open
- Allsop in wild New York City
- Nut week’s flying start
- It certainly can be bad, Sport!
- Caught by the throat
- Don’t miss the bus
- Kinds of freedom
- Blue-bloods on parade
- Squire Hadleigh
- 26th August 1973 [missing]
- Donny, Spike and all that
- Two sides to the truth
- Moonbase blast-off
- Solzhenitsyn’s ‘Love Girl’
- Magnus Polo’s travels
- With Whicker in a gay world
- The phantom Phantoms
- Fighting it out in a sandy sea
- Bus-ride to Armageddon
- The Borneo bomber
- The way the war was won?
- Steeplechase to the altar
- The jolly Swastika
- The miracle of Sir Hugh
- The golden crumpet
- Happiness is Flynn-shaped
- A distinct shortage of juice
- Anything for a laugh
- 1974
- Cleo in Cuckooland
- Through dune and wadi
- Medicine man called Geller
- Rugby-watcher’s sob-story
- It really is fantastic!
- Facilitated to death
- The Merchant of Miller
- Earnest and the Election
- [Lord(?)] of the Swings
- Kahn goes Boom!
- Children of the Holy War
- Enter the Chancellor
- Supercharged Suffragettes
- Facing our Waterloo
- Real — but artificial
- Barbarity to children
- Noddy and the lunch-breaks
- Some Final thoughts
- O Lord, preserve us
- Consolations from America
- Over-dumb about Yoga
- Kick-off at the World Cup sleep-in
- Black horror show
- So much for Stradivarius
- One minute of irrelevant silence
- That old sinking sensation
- Morecambe, Mercer and Wise
- Checked and double checked
- Sir Lew and the serpent of old Nile
- Plugged out of the action
- From Ulster to the Osmonds
- Fuzz on the screen
- Cops and sopranos
- I’d just like to say...
- The Night of the Machines
- Bees with PhDs
- For the rest of their lives
- Taking it below the chin
- Fighting over food
- In praise of the lord
- The wind machine
- The way Miss World ends
- Blood, toil, tears — and Burton
- Knocked out by Ali
- Pole-axed
- Christmas treats
- 1975
- Drama of JFK’s finest hour
- This is impossible
- Taking the week’s pulse
- A lesson in great acting
- In case you haven’t heard
- Getting Mrs T into focus
- Gloriana to the rescue
- Children in the melting-pot
- It’s all over, Ingmar
- Savaged by dog-lovers
- Fired into operatic orbit
- Hungry world
- Wishing you welcome
- The agony of Vietnam
- Royal bubble-bath
- Suffering the Budget’s birth-pangs
- The main thing about Main
- Fleeing and surviving
- Playing up the plump side
- The need to be everybody
- The Great Re-tread Show
- Formula for soap opera
- In the land of Timbuctoo
- A burning passion
- Bombing the bombshell image
- Here is the tennis situation
- Beware of the dogs
- Mankind’s perfect pet
- Bognor, here we come!
- Plugging the new patronage
- Banging on about books
- Reality and the Bomb
- 12 years of grief
- Cosmological hokum
- Ski-ing down Everest
- The perfect butler
- Margot My Way
- Playing the language game
- The sandwich-man
- Deep in a married mess
- O for a glimpse of my friends!
- The prisoners on our conscience
- Pounded by psychic energy
- Week of the Rats
- Gymnastic Kitsch
- A touch of menace
- 1976
- The Burke and Burr Laugh-in
- Coward’s tinsel classic
- Lenny the lecturer
- A Cambridge generation
- The comic truth
- Set and match to Miss MacLaine
- Unintelligibühlity
- Feeling disconnected
- Silly songs and fine follies
- This awkward problem of freedom
- The man from Spandau
- Prize performance
- Bronsonised
- Writing by numbers
- Wotting not
- Stationary kicks
- Klonged on the head
- The Reaper
- Blowing a Bloomsberry
- Windy Phenomenon
- Hardware heroes
- Matter of black and white
- Serving at 140 mph
- Flash to Dr Who
- Horsiness and homage
- Frank & David & Alan & Ron
- Olympic absolutes
- Paean to the military qualities
- Thoughts of Idi and Adolf
- A load of burst balloons
- Blood, Bron and black-outs
- The rebellion that can’t be stopped
- Back to ‘The Brothers’
- Wet lips
- Speaking personally
- The Britting of Rod
- Wisdom of the East
- David and the machines
- Sir Oswald’s Whoppers
- Patrick and the lute
- A load of punk
- Last of the Romans
- Dish of Southern fried turkey
- 1977
- And now ... Supermind!
- Hero of Our Time
- Charlie’s brainless angels
- Holy Moses
- Matter of rape
- Hailsham’s royal hoorays
- Cloth-cap heroes
- Wini und Wolf
- Moses hits the dirt
- Bumpy Landings
- Beyond a joke
- Odour situation
- The fallible Pope
- The fallible critic
- The Grade Gospel
- Roots of our time
- Princely postures
- A lot of slop-over
- The Son-in-Law
- The terrifying truth
- Mass of offences
- Hail to the Hall
- This Great Dace
- My fall from grais
- Release Bukovsky!
- Harry’s Wmbldn
- Taking a shufti
- Thalassa pottahs
- Ransom and the owl
- Digesting Japan
- Bamber’s Gospel
- Lament for Elvis
- Woman’s Lab
- Bonjour twistesse
- The mind-grind
- Nicola Karenina
- Heaven help we
- Water on the brain
- Champagne and subtlety
- The smell of seaweed
- Pulling the plugs
- Hammer and kisses
- Waffen waffle
- The amazing Mark
- Chastity pants
- High-born ladies
- 1978
- Tellie’s olde rubbishe
- Soap opera parable
- Rose Bowl battle
- The Arts! The Best!
- Stand by for gunge
- Top of the pops
- Mao and Miao-yu
- Bad jokes, blind eyes
- Visions for Nelly
- Swamped by the samurai
- Better than nothing
- That sinking feeling
- Case of Torynitskyn
- Rumpled Rumpole
- Talking horse sense
- The Bad Old Sounds
- Mere mortal Mans
- Plantagenet Place
- Mr Most fires his Revolver
- Ballroom baloney
- Chewing the sporran
- Lad from Stratford
- They’re going MAD!
- Wonderful Wmln
- Desperate about Dan
- Liberated Sisters
- Carry on Creating
- Green beef
- Road to Auschwitz
- Boredom enigma
- The Pinter sisters
- Horowitz in his heaven
- Wuthering Depths
- Our bionic hero
- Achtung! OTRAG!
- Wilde and Whistler Show
- A case of the jitters
- Blood and guts
- Tearful occasion
- Getting away with murder
- Existentialist actor
- The fantastic voyage
- Disco dementia
- Alpine idiocies
- Sound of Julie
- 1979
- Banker Barkworth
- Freezing situation
- Gorgeous variety
- Crumbling Crowd
- Enoch’s answer
- The true artists
- For good measure
- Squirrel Nuttgens
- Belfast dreamer
- The sorry Serpent
- You gonna know!
- Sense of justice
- O’er col and cwm
- Of Bach and Berg
- Super-snookers
- Swingomania
- Lashings of style
- Football funnies
- The great Lenya
- Undying Hope
- The Great Hwan
- Votes for Babs
- The work of Satan
- Days of Dan
- Last British Hope
- Baebius lives!
- Nucular Gold
- Great stone!
- Hail and farewell
- Plonking purgatory
- The genuine jogger
- West wins through
- Marginally better
- Carry on Trekkies!
- Harold and Harry
- Monster’s return
- Sorry, Quaterfans!
- Lord, deliver us
- Beauty and the Beeb
- Getting in a panic
- All the Anthonys
- In deepest Dallas
- Dashing downhill
- St Vitus’s gospel
- Santa and the Seed
- 1980 (screenshots coming)
- School for scandal
- Cultural divisions
- In the doghouse
- Question of quality
- Blake’s balderdash
- Power-house Frank
- The British Miracle
- The washed-up cat
- Woodhouse walkies
- Beautiful bear-hug
- Shadows in Ulster
- God help Europe
- Flashing frost-bite
- Master of the world
- So long, Jeanne-Paul
- Armless in China
- Blitzed by the ATS
- Going with a bang
- The girls — and Len
- Cutting a fine caper
- JR bites the dust
- Chaos situations
- Football fanaticism
- This sporting life
- Bouncing raindrops
- That little bit extra
- What a gentleman!
- Rampant Dallasitis
- Back to Rameses
- Donging the gong
- Cash of the Day
- Lethal frivolities
- Deep-sea spaghetti
- The master builder
- Torture by Telethon
- High-speed maggots
- Heart of the matter
- Mary and the facts
- Night of the blues
- The talking ducks
- Taming Rod’s tiger
- Heroes on wheels
- 1981 (no images yet)
- Pumping out pulp
- Womb with a view
- Auschwitz nightmare
- Heavy with Snow
- Mass in the crevasse
- Robin and the bullets
- Turning bright yellow
- Bomb-happy Colonels
- On the Charles trail
- An admirable Adriana
- The Whacky World
- Exporting our secrets
- Fingers on the trigger
- English as she is sung
- Fun ride in space
- The Grand Inquisitors
- The Chinese connection
- From Levin to Leakey
- Instant horror
- No joking matter
- Snap judgments
- Just good friends
- Prejudicial fury
- Satirical shots
- The SS criminals
- Dan’s winning lob
- The riot reports
- Mr Bellini’s Britain
- The Day the World Watched
- Load of Bagwash
- Amok in the Med
- To have or have not
- Strong medicine
- To hell with him
- The wasp way
- Flights of fancy
- Blinding flashes
- Revolting jokes
- The nose trick
- Fanatic devotion
- Unsubtle signals
- Grotto-Blotto
- Agitprop artists
- Dance of gold
- 1982 (no images yet)
- Observer TV column index by date
- Observer TV column, programme index
- 1972
- CJ Telegraph TV column
- CJ Guardian column