[ Page presented as was, except links updated 2020 ]
On this website, as of December 2008:
Clive James BBC Radio 4 A Point of View
Transcripts and recordings of this month's broadcasts:
"How rich is rich?": on wealth and power
"Changing the government": on the American Presidential election
"Robin the Hood": on a new concept of action movies
"Bad language": on standards in broadcasting
"Glamourising terror": on The Baader-Meinhof Complex
Postcard from Bombay
Talking in the Library, Series 6 (produced by TimesOnline): Clive James in conversation with Melvyn Bragg (click here
for the presentation page by Arts Reporter Ben Hoyle)
Music Finds: Les Paul and Mary Ford ("How High the Moon")
New poem by Clive James: "Signing Ceremony" (The New Yorker, Dec. 1, 2008)
Prose Finds: The Wall Street Journal, on the current financial crisis; Joan Bakewell, on the BBC standards; Jeffrey Rosen, on privacy and security laws, and Germany's star literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki
New Guest Writer Nichola Deane
As of November 2008:
Clive James on BBC Radio 4: A Point of View
(This new series of programmes will be available on this website in December. For previous Point of View programmes by Clive James, click here.)
New section: Cartoons - introducing the work of Marf
Video art: Saatchi Face Parade
'Video Finds' on YouTube, introduced by Clive James:
Dance: Alessandra Ferri as Juliet
Music: Show Me Heaven; Leopold Stokowski and the Faun
By Clive James:
Poem: Overview
TV criticism: articles from Glued to the Box: "Hrry Crpntr"; "Big-time Sue"; "There is no death"; "You tested the Gyroscope?"; "A horse called Sanyo Music Centre";"This false peace"
As of October 2008:
Postcard from Paris
Talking in the Library: Clive James in conversation with Salman Rushdie and with Germaine Greer
(Due to a recent technical glitch, these interviews are currently available only as extracts. TimesOnline are working towards resolving the problem as fast as is technically possible. — Dec. 1, 2008)
Clive James and Pete Atkin, in a podcast interview by David Hepworth for The Word (podcast), about forty years of songwriting
Clive James interview with Richard Dawkins at the Edinburgh Book Festival
Poetry (Chicago) Editor Christian Wiman, interview with Clive James
By Clive James:
Obituary for Pat Kavanagh
Poem 'We Being Ghosts'
On the new Talking in the Library series, an article
for The Times
Review of Joseph Horowitz's book Artists in Exile
: How Refugees from Twentieth Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts (TLS, Sept 9, 2008)
As guest editor of Time Out Sydney: on Sydney vagrant Bea Miles
and on Crime Movie Music
Television criticism: 6 new pieces from Glued to the Box: 'Oodnatta Fats', 'Borg's little bit extra', 'How do you feel?', 'Idi in exile', 'Master stroke', and 'Someone shart JR'.
An addition to the Sarah Raphael pavilion: a Sarah Raphael profile by Geordie Greig, on the artist's surprising foray into abstraction (Modern Painters, winter 1998)
As of September 2008:
Talking in the Library: Clive James in conversation with Tom Stoppard (Due to a recent technical glitch, this interview is currently available only as an extract. TimesOnline are working towards resolving the problem as fast as is technically possible. — Dec. 1, 2008)
Clive James on YouTube with Kate Winslet, and with Alice Cooper
Video Finds: Tito Gobbi and Marlon Brando
List of links to all on-line articles by Clive James about poetry and poets
Guest Poet Jamie McKendrick
Prose Finds: William Deresiewicz
Clive James's Talking in the Library 5th video series, including conversations with: actors and authors Emma Thompson and Stephen Fry, actor Jeremy Irons, novelist Nick Hornby, literary biographer Claire Tomalin, literary critic Professor John Carey, and television and film actors and authors Victoria Wood, Catherine Tate and Alexei Sayle. (Recorded and produced by SkyArts in May 2007, the programmes have all been broadcast on digital television but due to administrative complications the online launch has been delayed. We're working on it.)
As of August 2008:
Video Finds: Actor John Gielgud in Peter Greenaway's Prospero's Books and in the 1978 BBC Richard II.
As of July 2008:
The Great Wrasse, by Clive James (from The Book of My Enemy), for Les Murray.
Guest Writer Marina Hyde digs deep on the crucial subjects of Paris Hilton, Trudie and Sting, Pete Doherty, and reflects on virtual illusion and the Internet.
Guest Poet Peter Porter. Introduction by Clive James, and 10 poems chosen by the author.
Sarah Raphael pavilion: with articles by William Boyd, Daniel Day-Lewis, Clive James, Andrew Motion, and Frederic Raphael
New works by painter Laura Smith, including paintings from her forthcoming exhibition (9 - 13 July 2008 at 54 The Gallery, Shepherd Market, Mayfair, London W1)
Bande dessinée (new section): Posy Simmonds
Video Finds: Alessandra Ferri and Sting (Dance), and Laurence Olivier (Actors)
As of June 2008:
Frederic Raphael's foreword to In Love, by Alfred Hayes, and book extracts.
New guest writer Vicki Woods
Mark Steyn on Frank Sinatra's anthem "It Was A Very Good Year"
P.J. O'Rourke's travelogue on China
Clive James reads out three poems from The Book of My Enemy.
In the Mood for Love
Mr Hulot's Holiday
As of May 2008:
"Geneviève Seillé: Beyond Reading", by Roger Cardinal
Four short films by Cordelia Beresford
Guest writer: art critic Laura Cumming
Prose Finds: Paul Berman on Islamism
Clive James: new poem Ghost Train to Australia; on writing lyrics: "My life in lyrics" (Guardian, April 1, 2008) and Cream articles
Postcard from Berlin
Video Finds: the Silver Rose and Ian Dury
As of April 2008:
Guest writer: film director Peter Bogdanovich
Clive James: "The Perfectly Bad Sentence" and "Meeting MacNeice"
Video Finds
Painting: Albert Herbert and Geneviève Seillé
Posted on March 18, 2008:
Prose Finds: David Hepworth on the high-octane, trail-blazing, revolutionary American TV series about the drug war in Baltimore, The Wire.
As of February 2008:
Guest writer Jonathan Meades
Prose Finds: Binyavanga Wainaina writing about Africa; P.J. O'Rourke on the confessions of Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr; Noel Pearson on white guilt, victimhood and the radical centre; Patrick Smith on not loving the Airbus A380; Pascal Bruckner defending Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Sculptor Georgia Russell
Video and performance artist Éleonore Saintagnan
Star Australian poets Judith Beveridge, Stephen Edgar, and Les Murray reading their poems.