- Guest Poets
- Kapka Kassabova
- Stephen Edgar
- Olivia Cole
- John Stammers
- Isobel Dixon
- Judith Beveridge
- Peter Goldsworthy
- Alan Jenkins
- Christian Wiman
- Les Murray
- Liane Strauss
- Simon Barraclough
- Peter Porter
- Metamorphosis
- John Marston Advises Anger
- Who Gets the Pope’s Nose?
- The Great Poet Comes Here in Winter
- The Sadness of the Creatures
- Mort aux chats
- An Angel in Blythburgh Church
- An Exequy
- Doll's House
- Max Is Missing
- Porter on BBC Radio 3
- Porter on Shakespeare
- Porter on Les Murray
- Settling for Dust (1970)
- A Man Called Peter Porter (2004)
- Audio dialogues
- Video dialogue
- British Council
- Poetry Archive
- Wikipedia
Poems :Broadcasts and articles :Clive James on Peter Porter :Clive James with Peter Porter :More about Peter Porter : - Jamie McKendrick
- Daniel Brown
- Poems by Clive James
- Recent (uncollected) Poems
- Poetry Collections
- Fan-Mail (the original versions)
- Other Passports
- The Book of My Enemy
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- The Book of My Enemy ... Remaindered
- Sack Artist
- The Supreme Farewell ... Handkerchiefs
- A Gesture towards James Joyce
- Thoughts on Feeling Carbon-Dated
- Johnny Weissmuller Dead in Acapulco
- Reflections on a Cardboard Box
- The Philosophical Phallus
- Egon Friedell’s Heroic Death
- Homage to Rafinesque
- Will Those Responsible ...
- Echo Echo Echo
- The Anchor of the Sirius
- The Ferry Token
- Funnelweb
- A Valediction for Philip Larkin
- Jet-lag in Tokyo
- The Light Well
- The Artificial Horizon
- What Happened to Auden
- Last night the sea ... Greta Scacchi
- Drama in the Soviet Union
- Budge Up
- Bring me ... Gabriela Sabatini
- Fridge Magnet Sonnets
- Go back to the Opal Sunset
- Lament for French Deal
- The Eternity Man
- Reflections in an Extended Kitchen
- In Praise of Marjorie Jackson
- Simple Stanzas about Modern Masters
- Son of a Soldier
- Where the Sea Meets the Desert
- The Lions at Taronga
- Dream Me Some Happiness
- Deckard Was a Replicant
- Lucretius the Diver
- One Man to Another
- Stolen Children
- Young Lady in Black
- In Town for the March
- Six Degrees of Separation from Shelley
- Occupation: Housewife
- Jesus in Nigeria
- The Place of Reeds
- Hard-Core Orthography
- Ramifications of Pure Beauty
- Flashback on Fast Forward
- From Robert Lowell’s Notebook
- Once Smitten, Twice Smitten
- Adrian Henri Wants to Write Poems
- R. S. Thomas at Altitude
- Edward Estlin Cummings Dead
- John Wain’s Letters to Five More Artists
- Symptoms of Self-Regard
- Richard Wilbur’s Fabergé Egg Factory
- Godfrey in Paradise
- The Wasted Land
- After Such Knowledge
- What About You? Asks Kingsley Amis
- The North Window
- To Russell Davies: from Cardiff
- To Martin Amis: from Indianapolis
- To Pete Atkin: a letter from Paris
- To Prue Shaw: from Cambridge
- To Tom Stoppard: from London
- To Peter Porter: a letter to Sydney
- To Michael Frayn: from Leningrad
- To Craig Raine: from Biarritz
- To Gore Vidal at Fifty
- To Anthony Thwaite at Fifty
- To Margaret Olley ... October 1996
- A Paean for Peter Porter
- The Backstroke Swimmer Rolf Harris
- The Great Wrasse: for Les Murray
- To Leonie Kramer, Sydney University
- As I See You
- The Deep Six
- Berowra Waters, New South Wales
- The Morning from Cremorne
- The Lady in Mourning at Camelot
- Four Poems about Porpoises
- The Banishment
- The Crying Need for Snow
- The Glass Museum
- Young Australian Rider, P. G. Burman
- A Line and a Theme from Chomsky
- The Outgoing Administration
- Neither One Thing Nor the Other
- Le Cirque Imaginaire at Riverside
- Address to the Nation (1981)
- Poem of the Year (1982)
- Song Lyrics : Prefatory Note
- Peregrine Prykke's Pilgrimage...
Recent Verse :Parodies, Imitations and Lampoons :Verse Letters and Occasional Verse :Earlier Verse :Verse Diaries :Song Lyrics :An Epic Poem : - Angels Over Elsinore
- Windows Is Shutting Down
- Angels Over Elsinore
- Exit Don Giovanni
- My Father Before Me
- A Gyre from Brother Jack
- A City with Green Fingers
- Woman Resting
- Sunday Morning Walk
- Natural Selection
- Under the Jacarandas
- The Victor Hugo Clematis
- Mystery of the Silver Chair
- The Genesis Wafers
- Museum of the Unmoving Image
- Statement from the Secry of Defense
- The Australian Suicide Bomber's...
- Diamond Pens of the Bus Vandals
- The Zero Pilot
- Iron Horse
- Grace Cossington Smith's Harbour...
- Belated Homage to Derek Walcott
- When We Were Kids
- Only Divine
- Lock Me Away
- Bigger Than a Man
- Publisher's Party
- Literary Lunch
- At School with Reg Gasnier
- At Ian Hamilton's Funeral
- Press Release from Plato
- Young Lady Going to Dakar
- Ramifications of Pure Beauty
- The Serpent Beguiled Me
- State Funeral
- This is No Drill
- Tramps and Bowlers
- Fires Burning, Fires Burning
- Yusra
- Private Prayer at Yasukuni Shrine
- Naomi from Namibia
- William Dobell’s Cypriot
- Ghost Train to Australia
- Les Saw It First
- Signed by the Artist
- Return of the Lost City
- Anniversary Serenade
- Double or Quits
- Overview
- The Nymph Calypso
- Meteor IV at Cowes,1913
- The Magic Wheel
- Portrait of Man Writing
- Status Quo Vadis
- Dreams Before Sleeping
- The Carnival
- We Being Ghosts
- Opal Sunset
- Nefertiti in the Flak Tower
- Signing Ceremony
- Monja Blanca
- Stage Door Rocket Science
- A Perfect Market
- Australia Felix
- Oval Room, Wallace Collection
- Against Gregariousness
- Numismatics
- Nefertiti in the Flak Tower
- Spectre of the Rose
- Same River Twice
- On a Thin Gold Chain
- And Then They Dream of Love
- Beachmaster
- Continental Silentia
- Language Lessons
- Peter Porter Dances to Piazzolla
- Silent Sky
- Special Needs
- Pennies for the Shark
- Butterfly Needles
- Nimrod
- Culture Clash
- Fashion Statement
- Paper Flower Maiden
- On Reading Hakluyt at High Altitude
- The Buzz
- Dreams Before Sleeping
- Incident in the Gandhi Bookshop...
- The Falcon Growing Old
- Vertical Envelopment
- Book Review
- Whitman and the Moth
- The Later Yeats
- Habitués
- Castle in the Air
- Iliad!
- A Spray of Jasmine
- Madagascar Full-Tilt Boogie
- Bubbler
- A Bracelet for Geoffrey Hill
- The Shadow Knows
- Grief Has Its Time
- Vision of Jean Arthur...
- The Light As It Grows Dark
- Plate Tectonics
- Sentenced to Life
- Daily Express review
- Sentenced to Life
- Driftwood Houses
- Landfall
- Early to Bed
- My Home
- Holding Court
- Procedure for Disposal
- Manly Ferry
- Tempe Dump
- Living Doll
- Event Horizon
- Nature Programme
- Managing Anger
- Echo Point
- Too Much Light
- My Latest Fever
- The Emperor’s Last Words
- Compendium Catullianum
- Bugsy Siegel’s Flying Eye
- Only the Immortal Need Apply
- Plot Points
- One Elephant, Two Elephant
- Asma Unpacks Her Pretty Clothes
- Nina Kogan’s Geometrical Heaven
- Star System
- Change of Domicile
- Rounded with a Sleep
- Elementary Sonnet
- Leçons des ténèbres
- Winter Plums
- Spring Snow Dancer
- Mysterious Arrival of the Dew
- Cabin Baggage
- Transit Visa
- Japanese Maple
- Balcony Scene
- Sunset Hails a Rising
- A Note on the Text
- Injury Time
- Return of the Kogarah Kid
- Anchorage International
- Hiatus
- Visitation of the Dove
- The Gardener in White
- This Coming Winter
- Finch Conference
- The Rest is Silence...
- Edith Piaf on YouTube
- A Heritage of Trumpets
- Panis Angelicus
- Sweet Disaster
- Declaration of Intent
- Initial Outlay
- Night-Walker’s Song
- Final Reminder
- Carpentry of the Quatrain
- Head Wound
- Candy Windows
- Elephant in the Room
- Quiet Passenger
- In Your Own Time
- The Back of My Hand
- Ibrutinib
- Side Effects of Medication
- Not Forgetting George Russell
- Imminent Catastrophe
- Splinters from Shakespeare
- Lee Miller in Hitler’s Bathtub
- Sunt lacrimae rerum
- Choral Service, Westminster Abbey
- Ayrton Senna Killed at Imola
- Verse Letter
- Aldeburgh Dawn
- Too Many Poets
- Apotheosis at the Signing Table
- Recollected in Tranquillity
- The Dark Roses
- Summer Surprised Us
- Tactics of the Air Battle
- The Gods Make Mischief
- The Smocking Brick
- Intergalactic Junket
- Front Flip Half Twist
- Use of Space
- Photo File
- Injury Time
- This Being Done
- Notes on the Text
- Letter to a Young Poet
- Collected Poems
- Epic Poems
- Felicity Fark
- Peregrine Prykke
- Britannia Bright
- Charles Charming
- Poem of the Year
- Divine Comedy
- Introduction
- Translator's Note
- Acknowledgements
- A Note on the Translation
- Hell - Cantos 1-3
- Hell - Cantos 4-6
- Hell - Cantos 7-9
- Hell - Cantos 10-12
- Hell - Cantos 13-15
- Hell - Cantos 16-18
- Hell - Cantos 19-21
- Hell - Cantos 22-24
- Hell - Cantos 25-27
- Hell - Cantos 28-30
- Hell - Cantos 31-34
- Purgatory - Cantos 1-3
- Purgatory - Cantos 4-6
- Purgatory - Cantos 7-9
- Purgatory - Cantos 10-12
- Purgatory - Cantos 13-15
- Purgatory - Cantos 16-18
- Purgatory - Cantos 19-21
- Purgatory - Cantos 22-24
- Purgatory - Cantos 25-27
- Purgatory - Cantos 28-30
- Purgatory - Cantos 31-33
- Heaven - Cantos 1-3
- Heaven - Cantos 4-6
- Heaven - Cantos 7-9
- Heaven - Cantos 10-12
- Heaven - Cantos 13-15
- Heaven - Cantos 16-18
- Heaven - Cantos 19-21
- Heaven - Cantos 22-24
- Heaven - Cantos 25-27
- Heaven - Cantos 28-30
- Heaven - Cantos 31-33
- Gate of Lilacs
- Introduction
- Origami of the Madeleine
- The Population of the Velodromes
- The Porcelain Psychologist
- The Value of the Ruins
- The Red Plush Bench
- Toulouse-Lautrec’s Striped Drinks
- An Edifice Subverted
- Excursus on Prose Style
- The Rhythm of Inclusion
- Adventures of the Aerosol Elixir
- The Copy of a Kiss
- Gardens of the Artists
- You Saw Nothing in Hiroshima
- We’ll Always Have Paris
- I’ll drown my books
- Postscript
- Notes
- The River in the Sky (the book)
- Back from the Web
- My Father Before Me
- Too Much Light
- Sunday Morning Walk
- Woman Resting
- Bring Me the Sweat ...
- Oval Room, Wallace Collection
- Natural Selection
- Windows is Shutting Down
- The Book of My Enemy ...
- Whitman and the Moth
- Return of the Lost City
- Leçons des ténèbres
- Sentenced to Life
- Japanese Maple
- Compendium Catullianum
- My Father Before Me
- Articles on Poetry
- Lyrics
- Comeback Trail
- “Cream” Articles
- My life in lyrics
- The Word — interview & podcast
- Ian MacDonald interview, NME
- Big Other
- PA Rock Legacy
- I Need New Words / Tongue-Tied
- You Are The Music
- The Paper Wing Song
- The Friendly Island Song
- You Better Face It, Boy
- My Dreams Are Troubled
- The Magic Wasn't There
- Girl On The Train
- Sudden Arrivals
- Touch Has A Memory
- Golden Child
- The Long Goodbye
- Travel In A Tear
- A Girl Can't Grumble
- The Party's Moving On
- Laughing Boy
- I'll Have To Think About It
- How Like You This?
- Swans
- Sunrise
- Have You Got A Biro I Can Borrow?
- The Trophies Of My Lovers Gone
- The Luck Of The Draw
- You Can't Expect To Be Remembered
- If I Had My Time Again
- Practical Man
- Ice Cream Man
- Winter Kept Us Warm
- The Beautiful Changes
- Queen Of Lights
- For Instance
- The Standards of Today
- Don't Bother Me Now
- Tonight Your Love Is Over
- With Me It Goes Deeper
- The Master of the Revels
- Be Careful When They Offer You The Moon
- Frangipanni Was Her Flower
- The Rider To The World's End
- Beware Of The Beautiful Stranger
- Sunlight Gate
- The Pearl-Driller
- No Dice
- The Flowers And The Wine
- Where Have They All Gone?
- The Prince Of Aquitaine
- Thief In The Night
- Driving Through Mythical America
- The Faded Mansion On The Hill
- Lady Of A Day
- Between Us There Is Nothing
- Carnations On The Roof
- All The Dead Were Strangers
- The Wristwatch For A Drummer
- A King At Nightfall
- The Last Hill That Shows You All The Valley
- The Double Agent
- The Hypertension Kid
- Screen-Freak
- Apparition In Las Vegas
- Thirty-Year Man
- Perfect Moments
- Shadow And The Widower
- The Hollow And The Fluted Night
- The Wall Of Death
- Senior Citizens
- The Man Who Walked Toward The Music
- Care-Charmer Sleep
- Our Lady Lowness
- My Egoist
- An Array Of Passionate Lovers
- The Road Of Silk
- Payday Evening
- Rain-Wheels
- Sessionman's Blues
- I See The Joker
- National Steel
- Nothing Left To Say
- Tenderfoot
- Time And Time Again
- Little Sammy Speedball
- Secret Drinker
- Song For Rita
- Black Funk Rex
- Errant Knight
- Ready For The Road
- Why?
- Stranger In Town
- Rattlesnake Rock
- Doom From A Room
- I've Got Better Things To Do
- Lonesone Levis Lane
- Sheer Quivering Genius
- Uncle Sea-Bird
- A Man Who's Been Around
- The Pressure Boys
- Canoe
- Search And Destroy
- The Commercial Traveller
- Let's Try The Whole Thing Again
- Urban Guerilla
- Cold Bitches
- The Eye Of The Universe
- Cottonmouth
- My Brother's Keeper
- Landscapes
- Wiseacre
- History And Geography
- You Alone Will Be My Last Adventure
- Femme Fatale
- Get It Out Of Your Head
- A Dream Of Fair Women
- I Feel Like Midnight
- Dreamboat
- More In Anger Than In Sorrow
- Early Days
- The Ties That Bind You
- Thought Of You
- So Loud I Couldn't Hear It
- Dancing Master
- Daughter Of The Sun
- An Empty Table
- I Have To Learn
- Fat Cat
- Winter Spring
- A Hill Of Little Shoes
- Prayers Against The Hitman
- Here We Stay
- We Will Love Again
- The Way You Are With Me
- Time To Burn
- The Closer Someone Is
- Slow Down For Me
- Nothing Can Touch Us Now
- I Know The Way
- Me To Thank
- I've Got Special Glasses
- Accommodation
- How She Dances (Herrick Was Right)
- The King Is Dead
- Song Of A Bass-Player
- The Sun Was In My Eyes
- The New Me
- I Wouldn't Hear A Word Against The Spring
- Here Goes Nothing
- Epitaph For A Poet
- The TV Screen Is The Only Light
- The Go-Away Man
- Because I Have No Hope Of Coming Back
- The Architect
- Together At Last
- There's No Truth In The Rumours
The Songs :